Dates have not yet been set for our 2025/2026 cohort. Sign up for our newsletter or check back here soon for registration!
Are you ready to take a deeper dive into herbalism? Want to learn practical ways to care for yourself and your dear ones? Wanna geek out about medicinal plants with a neurodivergent herb nerd and create traditions that support seasonal transitions throughout the wheel of the year? Registration for our first cohort is officially open, so start saving those empty jars now because class starts this spring!
Weaving the medicinal with the magical, this level 1 apprenticeship focuses on cultivating personal relationships with the plants while tuning into the natural rhythm of the seasons and spaces in between. During our year together we'll build a solid foundation in herbalism rooted in generative & integrative care practices through full sensory hands-on learning, story telling, skill sharing, embodied experience, herbcrafting and ritual.
As the wheel of the year turns, we will have the opportunity to prepare, cultivate and tend our symbolic inner gardens as we physically work with medicinal plants in the herb garden and in the apothecary. Participants will come away from this program with an abundance of herbal wisdom, practical skills and plants willing- a deeply rooted sense of interconnectedness. This foundational class includes 60 hours of herbal education on the following topics:
- herbal medicine making: infusions, tinctures, glycerites, syrups, oxymels, poultices, infused oils, salves & more!
- make custom blends of seasonally supportive herbs
- medicinal plant identification
- sustainable herb growing
- ethical foraging practices
- solubility, extraction methods & herbal actions
- cultivating a deeper connection to your roots through exploring culturally traditional herbs
- practical herbal supports for self care & community nourishment
Full day in-person class on Sundays will be held at Community Care Apothecary, 52 Main St. in downtown Florence, MA. As weather allows, portions of some classes will be held in our ancestral herb gardens behind the shop and larger growing space right down the road.