Not sure what to get your loved one from our shop? We offer super cute old school paper gift certificates available for purchase in-store or online. If ordering online, we will happily mail them out for you, we'll even cover the stamp :) If you need a different amount than the options listed here, please reach out at 413-341-3490 or communitycareapothecary@gmail.com.
If the gift certificate is to be sent directly to the recipient, please provide the following info in the note section:
To: recipient's full name (we'll need this for our records)
From: giver's full name
and recipient's shipping address.
Occasionally if a rush order is needed, we can email an electronic version, usually same day- however it does not get sent automatically like it does with some other shops. Please note that we are a small family run primarily brick and mortar business handling larger volumes of in store visits and orders during the holidays, so we kindly ask that if you need the gift certificate emailed same day, please send us an email with RUSH in the subject line with all the info listed above.